Investigation of Various Sectors. 2
Infrastructure Construction. 3
Selected Construction Project 3
Various Activities of the Construction Project 4
Identification of Main Professionals and Professional bodies. 7
Secretary of State’s Agent Arup. 8
Benefits of Construction Industry to UK economy. 10
The conceptuality of Construction Management is considered a professional service responsible for using specialised project management strategies and tactics to oversee different elements of a project, such as planning, designing and construction, from the starting point right to the end (Jones, 2015). The main purpose of this conceptuality is to control and monitor the project’s delivery time, cost structure and quality of the work being performed. An effective construction management procedure in place allows for successful completion of the project regarding time, cost and quality. It also allows the whole construction project to be free of all financial and legal complications, which can either halt or completely demolish the whole project. Construction management also ensures optimisation of best industry practices, efficient decision-making and reporting methods. This concept is considered extremely important to large-scale projects as they involve more complications and problems, which could increment the cost structure or delay the whole project. With the utilisation of construction management, such consequences can be avoided because it involves measuring the design decisions with careful analysis that makes calculations on the impact each decision will have on budgeting and scheduling. Without a proper construction management procedure, it is quite evident that an unseen problem risk is derailing the whole construction project (Willar et al., 2020). It is essential for all construction projects to have this concept right from the start, which would not only help plan better for the potential problem but will also help in finding out cost and time-saving opportunities. The main purpose of this essay is to discuss various aspects of the Jubilee line extension; the discussion will also identify professional bodies involved in the construction of the whole project. In the end, the benefits associated with the construction project will be provided.
Main Body
Investigation of Various Sectors
The enterprises working in the construction domain are highly diverse since the industry produces products of various ranges. Additionally, the industry is known to be divided into three vital sectors, including; the industrial, building and infrastructure sectors (Willar et al., 2020).
Building Construction
The building construction sector is responsible for the lands where additional structures are required. In some cases, the land that needs construction must be purchased compulsorily from the owner so it can be utilised for public use; other than such cases, in most scenarios, the owner has to undertake the construction processes for the land (Kavvadas, 2005). This type of construction sector is further classified into non-residential and residential. Mostly, when it comes to building construction processes, only minor renovations need to be done on the properties; this may include renovating a bathroom or adding a new room to the area. In such instances, the owners often work as a paymaster or design lead for the project. A few common elements of building construction such as, financial, legal, estimating, and design considerations are always part of every similar sector project (Saxe and Guthrie, 2019).
Infrastructure Construction
Infrastructure construction can also be named mass construction since this particular construction sector deals with huge public lands and work. This can include the construction of damns, bridges, utility distribution, railways and so on (Saxe and Guthrie, 2019). For the naturally built environment, the design, maintenance of the area and its construction are taken care of by the civil engineers. Such areas include railways, pipelines that need maintenance, tunnels and sewerage systems of different localities, canals and bridges.
Industrial Construction
Industrial construction is the essential component of any construction industry, even though this particular sector deals with small parts and areas of the construction industry. Offshore construction (primarily related to energy installations), manufacturing plants, refineries, chemical processing, mining, power generation mills and quarrying are all part of industrial construction (Saxe and Guthrie, 2019).
Selected Construction Project
Background of the Project
In the last 25 years of the entire United Kingdom, the Jubilee Line Extension is known to be one of the largest additions that took place; not just this, it is also renowned for being one of the many largest construction projects to have happened in the UK. However, the whole process got delayed and was behind the provided schedule due to the concerns associated with signalling and tunnelling; not just this; it also led to severe plaguing of the whole construction project (Saxe and Guthrie, 2019). The purpose behind this whole construction project was to create a direct link between Stratford, located in the East area of London, and Green Park, located in London’s West end. This direct linkage was planned by creating a 16-kilometre-long and a 10 miles long extension between both ends. Another benefit that this extension may provide to London’s east side was to develop and redevelop it when needed since this area of London was originally known to be badly served and looked after by public transportation. More than 30 meters of in-depth tunnelling were involved in this construction project. Not just this, there was also reconstruction and redevelopment planned for historic sites like Westminster station, which is right beside the Houses of Parliament. This entire extension process of construction started in December 1993, ended in 1999 and lasted approximately 53 months in total (Hiller, Wilkinson and Allen, 2005).
Various Activities of the Construction Project
The major construction activities in the Jubilee line extension included tunnelling at depths of more than 30 meters; in addition to the tunnelling, some of the infrastructures, such as the historic Westminster station, which is present next to the houses of Parliament was also rebuilt. Four crossings were constructed under the Thames. Figure 1 shows the division of all the events or activities that took place during the Jubilee line Extension construction project. In 1990 East London confirmed the route of the Jubilee line extension and passed the bill for its initiation (Stanitsas et al., 2021). In 1991/1992, there was a delay of 18 months solely due to private funding. Just after one year, in 1993 the private funding was secured, and the government gave the go-ahead for the initiation of the whole project. In addition to securing the private funds, the project could acquire various contracts worth up to 1.2 billion pounds, ultimately facilitating the construction. The following year in 1994, the Heathrow tunnel collapsed due to mismanagement, leading to another six-month delay. After two years, in January of 1996, the tunnelled river crossing was completed, and in august of the same year, running tunnels were also completed (Noktehdan et al., 2019).
Furthermore, a site was selected for the millennium celebration: North Greenwich. In 1997, a controversy led to the moving block system being completely abandoned (Harris et al., 2021). The following year Bechtel reviewed the whole situation of the Jubilee line extension and took over the whole system, which led to the whole project being more efficient. In 1998, an electrician wildcat strike led to a delay of a few days. However, the whole project of the Jubilee line extension was completed and functional in 1999 (Mejia-Dorantes and Lucas, 2014).

Figure 1: Activities involved in Jubilee Line extension (Stanitsas et al., 2021)
Project Life Cycle
The Project Lifecycle is divided into four main parts: the initiation phase, the planning phase, the execution phase and the monitoring phase (Chen and Karimi, 2019). These elements are provided in figure 2.

Figure 2: Project Life Cycle Based on RIBA (Chen and Karimi, 2019)
The initiation phase is the first step of the Project lifecycle based on RIBA, which is responsible for defining all the important procedures for starting a certain project. It involves the development of a project charter and the identification of stakeholders. The major stakeholders for the Jubilee line extension were the Her Majesty’s treasury, The Secretary of State DETR, ARUP, London Transport and London Underground Ltd (Chen and Karimi, 2018). There were more stakeholders involved on a lower level, such as LFCDA, HMRI, LUL, JLEP etc. All of these stakeholders had their own responsibility to ensure the efficient delivery of the project. The budget identified for the project was 3.5 billion pounds and expected to be completed in 1999 (Thomas, Cowie and Sidell, 2006).
Planning is the second stage of the Project lifecycle based on RIBA, covering more than 50 per cent of the whole procedure. It identifies the scope and objective of the whole project. In the provided scenario of the Jubilee line extension, the scope and objective of the project were to link the East side of London with the West, ensuring efficient performance of the London Transport system, improving connections and making positive economic contributions (Wu, Chen and Huang, 2018).
The execution phase in the project life cycle based on RIBA involves managing stakeholder expectations and coordinating with different people and resources involved alongside performing other activities that are directly linked to the project deliverables. The expectation of the main stakeholders regarding the Jubilee line extension was to complete it by 1999, within the budget of 3.5 billion pounds (Potts, 2007).
Project Monitoring and closing stage ensure that the project is on track and reaches proper completion. The Jubilee Line extension project was properly monitored by different governing bodies that ensured everything was right on track; different functionalities such as control scope, control schedule, control cost and communication were performed to ensure that everything remained efficient (Sheng, 2018).
Identification of Main Professionals and Professional Bodies

Figure 3: Hierarchy of Professional Bodies involves in Construction Management of JLE (Zymnis, 2009)
HM Treasury
The HM treasury, or Her Majesty’s treasury, is responsible for developing and executing the government’s public financial and economic policy. The HM treasury also has an online system I place for central accounting and reporting. In the Construction Project of the Jubilee line extension, it was in direct contact with the Secretary of the State DETR in case any additional funding was needed to make sure that the Jubilee line extension gets completed in the most effective way possible. Additionally, it ensured that all the financial and economic policies were properly implemented and followed throughout the functionality (Zeng et al., 2022).
Secretary of State DETR
The professional bodies included in the construction project of the Jubilee line extension were the Secretary of the State and the United Kingdom Department of Environment, Transport and Regions officials. This United Kingdom cabinet position was created back in 1998 (Zeng et al., 2022). John Prescott was the main reason this position or department was created; it involved merging the Secretary of State for Environment and the Secretary of State for Transport in terms of their responsibilities. This was the main professional body of the whole Jubilee Line extension that ensured everything remained functioning smoothly and that the desired out was achieved in the best possible manner. Figure 3 shows that this professional body was in direct coordination with London Transport to acquire all the information related to the lower part of the hierarchy. Additionally, the Secretary of State was directly communicating with HR treasury to get the necessary fund and Arup to get additional important information (Zymnis, 2009).
Secretary of State’s Agent Arup
The Secretary of the State’s Agent Arup was also a professional body in the Jubilee line extension construction project. Arup was founded in England in 1946 and is responsible for providing different design, engineering, and architectural planning; it also provides different advisory services to the whole construction industry, be it a major industrial project or building a simple house. The firm has approximately more than 16000 people employed and is currently functioning in 35 different countries throughout the globe. In the Jubilee Line extension scenario, Arup directly coordinated with the Secretary of the state and the agent’s project manager. This linkage allowed the main stakeholder to know what was happening in the lower half of the hierarchy. Arup was also responsible for providing construction-based advisory services in the Jubilee line extension.
London Transport
London Transport or Transport for London was founded in 2000 and is considered a local government body responsible for most transport networks situated or running in London (Zeng et al., 2022). This local governing body was also involved in the construction project of the Jubilee line extension and served as a communication medium between the Secretary of the state DETR and London Underground Ltd, ensuring that everything remained on track smoothly and smoothly effectively.
London Underground Ltd
London Underground Ltd begin back in 1863 and is known by different names as ‘The Tube’ or simply ‘The Underground’. It is one of the rapid transit systems that is functioning in London alongside some parts of adjacent counties of different areas that are situated in London. This professional body played a key role in connecting the upper end of the hierarchy with the lower end. It was in direct communication with London Transport, reporting to the Secretary of the State DETR. It acquired all the necessary intel from different stakeholders or organisations working underneath it (Chen and Pan, 2021).
Jell Line Operator
The Jell line operator was a professional body responsible for training staff members alongside the preparation of safety cases of HMRI. It was reported to the London Underground.
CEG was responsible for ownership of line infrastructure, where it was actively involved in setting design standards and assuring that HMRI assets were complete and relevant (Chen and Pan, 2021). CEG also reported to the London Underground.
JLEP was responsible for the provision of different designs and actual construction of the project and was reporting to London Underground Ltd through LUL Directors of engineering, ensuring that all the designs and constructions were as per the requirements and expectations.
Benefits of Construction Industry to UK economy
Social Benefits
Jubilee Line extension has certainly ensured that people of London who had difficulty travelling within public transportation find the ease in travelling, which was this project’s prime target. JLE connects both the West and East ends of London, making travelling highly efficient and safe for the people.
The unemployment ratio within the United Kingdom has increased and improved a lot since the creation of the Jubilee line extension (Araújo et al., 2020). The project created approximately 32,000 jobs within two years of its running and development, which has been highly effective and helpful socially. This has made so many people get the jobs they dreamt of, and unemployment has also significantly reduced in the United Kingdom since JLE was operational (Al Nahyan et al., 2019).
Jubilee line extension has made travelling extremely easier and safe for people, which ultimately helps them reach their desired destinations in no time. Earlier, people had to pay a lot of travelling costs in order to reach the west end from the east end, which has now become much easier for everyone and now more people belonging from the east end travel to the West to get employed or look out for business options which ultimately is supporting and promoting the growth of local businesses that were initially hard to reach for people belonging from poor localities (Araújo et al., 2020).
The massive construction project of the Jubilee line extension certainly promotes social innovation since the project’s design and development were based on the ultimate goal of improving the welfare and well-being of the people of the United Kingdom. To accommodate and facilitate people, the Jubilee line extension is incorporating the platform screen doors for underground stations. With the help of such screens, there would be prevention of suicides, and the ventilation concerns would also be fixed (Al Nahyan et al., 2019).
Financial Benefits
The project Jubilee line extension incurred a massive cost of 3.5 billion due to its huge scale and everything, but safe to say it was worth it (Kassa, 2020). This extension has turned out to be an extremely desirable yet profitable; since then, there was a very poor public transportation coverage on the east side of the United Kingdom. The entire project of the Jubilee line extension incurred 40 per cent more cash than planned initially for the project and lasted for approximately 3 years. However, once the construction ended and started running, the project cleared showed 1.75 more benefits than the actual cost of its construction. The average income or the benefits that the Jubilee line extension produced was 4.5 billion pounds in 2003, whereas the project cost was 3.5 billion pounds in comparison (Al Nahyan et al., 2019). Within 2 years of being operational, the Jubilee line extension recovered all of the cost that went into it.
Additionally, the jubilee line extension has produced added benefits by creating newer jobs through regeneration with the direct benefits related to transport infrastructure users. In 2000, the employment catchment of jubilee line extension increased to 426,000 whereas in 1998 it was at 365,000, this makes it an increase of 17% approximately (Kassa, 2020). All these functionalities had lead to sustainability in the country in economic terms.
Approximately 32,000 jobs were created between 1998 to 2000 due to the JLE employment growth in its catchment areas that ultimately outperformed the trends of London. The jobs that were created were mostly of high productivity and higher value (Zeng et al., 2022).
Jubilee line extension has provided wider access to jobs whilst integrating the labour markets. Now, on an average of 60 minutes, approximately one million people commute the average distance from jubilee line extension stations (Potts, 2007). An additional two million individuals commuting from each station within 60 minutes has benefited Canada Water, Bermondsey and North Greenwich.
In conclusion, it is quite fair to say that there are three main sectors of the built environment; the first one is the building construction which is responsible for building small structures such as houses in the areas where they are required. To get this type of construction done, it is essential to purchasing the land on which the construction is expected to take place. The second sector of the built environment is infrastructure construction which is also called mass construction and is responsible for the construction of big projects such as dams, bridges, tunnels, railways and so on. Civil engineers provide the designs for such infrastructure construction. The last sector is the industrial sector, which is the essential component of any construction industry and deals with small parts and areas of the construction industry. The Jubilee line extension is the selected project in the infrastructure construction. The Jubilee Line Extension is known to be one of the largest additions that took place; not just this, it is also renowned for being one of the many largest construction projects to have happened in the United Kingdom. The project reached completion after various major and small activities; the major activities included tunnelling at depths of more than 30 meters, in addition to tunnelling, some of the infrastructures, such as the historic Westminster station, which is present next to the houses of Parliament was also rebuilt, and four crossings were constructed under the Thames. The whole project strictly followed the project lifecycle, which includes four phases initiation, planning, execution and closure. The project Jubilee line extension had many professional bodies such as HM Treasury, Secretary of the State, ARUP, London Transport and so on that followed a strict hierarchy system to ensure efficient functionality. The social benefits of such construction projects include ease of travelling, reducing unemployment, support for the growth of local businesses and promotion of social innovation. Economically, the Jubilee line extension brought about sustainability and profitability.
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